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The CyberPeace Institute underlines the importance of hearing from organizations who have been targeted by cyberattacks in the context of the armed conflict in order to understand the impact on people and society.

  • Have you been a victim of a cyberattack?
  • Do you want to share information about how cyberattacks affected you?

We want to hear from you!

Donate to the institute

The CyberPeace Institute focuses on reducing the impact of cyberattacks on people’s lives throughout the world. Your support for this work is essential.

  • Are you a potential donor who can support our work?

Your support will make a difference!

Contact us to collaborate

The CyberPeace Institute aims to expand its data collection and to integrate closed sources in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the threats and harms posed by cyberattacks related to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

  • Do you think you have data that could complement this existing work?

The Institute is developing an empirical methodology for measuring the human and societal impact of cyberattacks and operations.

  • Have you got expertise in developing, testing or reviewing methodologies or indexes?
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